Youth Entrepreneurs are Changing the World – get in on the change!

Youth Entrepreneurs are Changing the World! Every day I read about amazing young entrepreneurs who are making our world a better place. It is both encouraging and inspiring learning about what the next generation of entrepreneurs is accomplishing! But, if you think...

Are you ready for Lemonade Day? (How to build a Lemonade Stand out of PVC Pipe)

How to Build a Lemonade Stand out of PVC Pipe (in 6 easy steps) Since Lemonade day is coming up soon and summer is not far behind; I thought it would be helpful to share what I learned when I built my lemonade stand booth that I used a recent trade show. Many of the...

There is never a PERFECT Time to Start a Business

Starting a business is a lot like starting a family; if you wait for the time be perfect – it will never happen. They are both huge commitments in time, energy and emotion and that commitment will last for years. When I was 27, I started my first “real business” – an...

Games Make Learning Fun!

There were 2 things this past week that reminded me how much I love using games as a learning activity. The first one was a webinar that I participated in from Zingerman’s Zing Train program on using Mini-games to train employees. The second was as I was putting the...

Finding Your Passion to Make Meaning

When I start working with kids and adults on entrepreneurship one of the first things I work on is choosing a business idea that they will develop. They usually attend a class or a camp because they want to start a business and so it’s important to keep their...