Eseedling helps parents nurture their young entrepreneurs.
Parents – We know how tough it is to try and work from home and have your kids go to school at home too!
In 2020, we converted our camps and teaching to live virtual sessions and I have to say – both the kids and I had more fun than I would have expected! The parents were pleasantly surprised that they did not have to help their kids at all during the camp! We now have 2 options for Summer 2021! LIVE In-person at Barnwood Events, 3230 Larsen Road, Madison, WI 53711 OR Virtual LIVE via Zoom. They will be held July 12-16, 2021. You can also choose Mornings (9am-Noon CST) or Afternoons (1pm-4pm). Kids will start their own business, learn business basics and much more! Cost is $175 and includes all materials, tshirt, briefcase and more!CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR THE CAMP OF YOUR CHOICE!
Even if our Summer camp dates and times don’t fit your schedule, you can still give your kids the experience of starting their own business with our online youth entrepreneurship course! With the video lessons and printable worksheets, your kids will learn business basics and start their own business in no time! CLICK TO GET STARTED TODAY.
For questions, Email
“Excellent camp for kids with brilliant minds who are always looking to create + innovate!”
~Claire, Camp Parent
“I put the workbooks in the hands of my children first, who are all
Ideas to start teaching YOUR kids about business and entrepreneurship
Run a Lemonade Stand
It seems obvious but, but running a lemonade stand is one of the easiest ways to start kids learning about business. Encourage them to come up with a company name, plan out what it will look like (colors, feel, what the stand will look like, etc.), and then make business decisions such as:
- What they are going to sell (flavors, slushies, regular, treats)
- Creating a budget for it (research costs at the local grocery store)
- Where it will be located (if it’s not in your yard, you will need to check with your locality for permits)
- If they are going to donate the money to a cause.
They will need to create the stand and display, marketing materials, figure out how to get the word out, figure out how to get the money to buy the supplies, buy the supplies and then run the stand. It really is a great introduction into running a business and they will learn problem-solving, financial management and communication skills while having fun.

Visit Local Businesses
Entrepreneurs love to tell their story and one of the best way to learn about different businesses is by visiting them and asking questions. Choose a time that is not extremely busy (i.e. if it’s a restaurant don’t go during busy meal times) and then ask if you can speak to the owner about their business. If they are too busy, ask if there is a time that you can come back and learn more about their business. When you are done visiting, don’t forget to send a thank you note! Through this activity, the kids will learn about their local economy and start to build relationships with the businesses in their area.
Attend a Youth Entrepreneur Camp
one of the funnest and fastest way to learn about business and entrepreneurship is through a camp, after-school program or club specifically for entrepreneurship. Many programs have the kids work on their own business idea in addition to learning business basics, visiting entrepreneurs and having guest speakers. Kids usually have the opportunity to present their business idea and some of the longer programs even include putting their business into action. New camps and programs are popping up more and more, so if you don’t find something in your area check with your local chamber, school, local business school as they may know of something. We also help promote youth entrepreneurship camps and programs all over the world, so if you would like to be on our camp list let us know! If you are in Madison, WI – E-seedling has youth entrepreneurship camps for kids for ages 9 and up.
Play Business Games
There are several games both board and online that can help kids learn about business. Here are a few to check out:
- Biz Ops Game – Home Edition, this game is one of the favorite activities at our Youth Entrepreneur Camp and the kids asked for a version they could play at home. This version is for 4-6 players and each player comes up with a company name for their own paper airplane business. They then design, test and make paper airplanes, budget expenses, sell them to the customer, track sales and expenses. The player with the most profit wins. Learn more about the Biz Ops Game.
- PBS kids online game – Fizzy’s Food truck let’s kids run a food truck business
Solutions for Parents and Young Entrepreneurs
Biz-Ops Game
Now you can play the same Biz Ops Game that we use in our camps at home. Engage young entrepreneurs with this fun, interactive game that simulates running a paper airplane business. Each player is a bootstrapping entrepreneur running their own company. Learn business operations, business financials, and business roles while you play this fun and engaging game in less than 90 minutes.
You're Never Too Young to Start A Business Book
Our e-book “You’re Never too Young to Start a Business” is the perfect way to get your kids started with entrepreneurship. It takes the kids through how to choose their idea, test it out and then develop it as a business so they can start and run it. Includes a free downloadable workbook!
More Than A Lemonade Stand™ Book
This book is perfect for the parent who wants to teach their kids about entrepreneurship but is not sure what to teach and where to start. More Than a Lemonade Stand™ is a step-by-step guide that includes the D-I-Y of the curriculum you need to get your kids started as an entrepreneur.
Youth Entrepreneur Camps or Programs
Find out about our Youth Entrepreneur Camp or contact us to see if we know of a program in your area.
Youth Entrepreneur Curriculum
Lead your own entrepreneurship class or program with our curriculum that includes all the essential resources you need!
Customization For Your Homeschool or Family
Schedule a free zoom call or phone call to discuss your ideas and how we can help!
Let’s Start Something new
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Questions about Youth Entrepreneurship or E-Seedling products and services? We’re here to help.
E-seedling, founded by Julie Ann Wood in Madison Wisconsin, helps parents, teachers, organizations, communities, students and youth discover possibilities and reach their potential by growing business-building skills and attitudes.
© E-Seedling, LLC
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