Avoid Summer Brain Drain – Help your kids start a business!

There is still a month left of summer vacation and the kids are getting bored! Why not have them start a business? Starting a small business is a good way to keep the brain drain away and keep the kids busy, learn responsibility, earn money and build their resume!...

Youth Entrepreneurs are Changing the World – get in on the change!

Youth Entrepreneurs are Changing the World! Every day I read about amazing young entrepreneurs who are making our world a better place. It is both encouraging and inspiring learning about what the next generation of entrepreneurs is accomplishing! But, if you think...

Are you ready for Lemonade Day? (How to build a Lemonade Stand out of PVC Pipe)

How to Build a Lemonade Stand out of PVC Pipe (in 6 easy steps) Since Lemonade day is coming up soon and summer is not far behind; I thought it would be helpful to share what I learned when I built my lemonade stand booth that I used a recent trade show. Many of the...

How are you entrepreneurial?

As I was reading The Element by Ken Robinson he brought up an interesting question about intelligence. He said we are asking the wrong question – instead of asking “How intelligent are you?” – He states we should be asking “How are you intelligent?” He claims that...